What is Levernet?
The current situation in Colombia for entrepreneurs and small entrepreneurs is not encouraging, only 30% manage to spend their first 5 years, which is why they face the great challenge of not only starting but also making their company sustainable. This is the reason why Levernet was born, as a program that seeks to provide the necessary and sufficient tools for a project or idea to become a thriving company.

Levernet components

What is each component?

Our support is based on a management model leveraged in the approach and management attention of those who run the companies.
Identification of bottlenecks.
Creation of project plan.
Accompaniment in the execution of the project.

We know that as an entrepreneur you require specialized services. With our allies you receive a discount of 30% to 50% with each of them.

Receive training material for a master's degree in each of the indicated topics, with break-up solutions that will support decision making in your company.