Our Mission

Somos una empresa que se creó en el 2005 con el propósito de contribuir a simplificar el mundo complejo de la industria regional. Nos basamos en la metodología Teoría de Restricciones (TOC-Theory of Constraints), cuyo fundamento es aplicar el pensamiento sistémico, ver a las organizaciones como un todo, y enfocar los esfuerzos y atención en el lugar de mayor impacto posible, la restricción.

What are we looking for? 

That our clients achieve differential results through:

  • Stability: Control the operation and manage the bottlenecks of its different processes. 
  • Harmony: Achieve an adequate work environment, through the use of managerial focus skills.
  • Growth: Develop decisive competitive advantages based on innovation management.  

Our Founder

Héctor Miguel Páez Cervantes

Industrial Engineer - Master in Management Skills, Negotiation and Communication.

He has more than 15 years of consultative experience. His greatest source of knowledge was Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt, an Israeli physicist and consultant who created the Theory of Restrictions, with whom he worked for five years.

He is one of the few consultants certified by TOCICO (Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization). He directed projects with Goldratt Consulting under the direct audit of Dr. Goldratt. In the areas of application of the TOC methodology, it has experience in Manufacturing, Distribution, Retail, Project Management, Marketing, Sales, Management Skills, Strategy and Tactics.

He is the exclusive representative for Latin America of BM3, the most used Critical Chain Management software in Japan. Being Management has listed him as one of the global experts in Critical Chain. https://beingmanagement.com/product/ccpm-training/.

He has developed the Focused Improvement Process where he seeks the Operational Excellence of organizations based on systemic thinking.

He has taught for prestigious universities in the country such as Universidad del Rosario, Universidad Javeriana, CESA, ICESI, Colombian School of Engineering and is currently a professor in the Master of Operations Management, at the International School of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Savannah.

Our allies

We have world-class allies for solutions that complement our service.

Ecosistema Retail

Japanese project management tool with critical chain.

Strategic consulting founded in Israel. 

Joint research association with Goldratt Research Labs.

Contact Us

8 + 2 =

WA: +57 316-468 9625

CEL: +1 561-563 1932

