by Hector Miguel | Jan 13, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Beyond the strategy.
Si la estrategia es el nivel superior de las decisiones, ¿podrá existir algo más allá? Revisando las bases de la definición y aportando una nueva forma de analizarla, se puede construir un poco más. Una mirada desde la perspectiva de Teoría de Restricciones El doctor...
What does the customer live for your sold out products?
A true story of non-availability of products. Enough has been written about the issue of sold out at points of sale. But I want to tell you what it represents for a buyer like me, on a not so normal day. After a long working day, ...
The indicators and their consequences
Satisfy customer needs and meet production efficiencies, usually generating internal conflicts in organizations. The indicators and their consequences, is a reality that most people who have had work experience ...