The conflict between day to day and projects

Organizations exist to generate wealth. The way to achieve these results is by generating market value. This has led companies to accelerate the search for innovation and differentiation. Changing factors force organizations, conscious or not, to accelerate their evolution. The evidence of this situation is lived every year, where they try to meet the goals defined in the previous period and generate a new air in strategic initiatives. Here begins the problem. Officials at all levels have to carry out the recurring activities in the operation and at the same time they have to undertake the new defined projects. The notion of conflict begins to take shape in people's daily lives and the greater the responsibility and hierarchy within the organization, the greater the conflict.

A definition of inertia is "routine or laziness," according to the SAR. The frenzy of everyday life usually uses all the energy of people. Solving ordinary situations does not always leave room to think about medium or long-term projects. It is imperative to solve today and then think about tomorrow, the bad thing about it is that today is not always solved and the problems are constantly repeated. If you have a full glass, it is impossible to pour more liquid. Improvement projects involve more activities, more liquid for the glass. Another element to keep in mind is that, for various reasons, one way to protect job stability is to be busy. If an official has available capacity, there is apparently plenty. This deepens the conflict between the urgent and the important. You must be busy every day and there is no time for anything else. v

¿Why is the gray zone generated?

There are two engines that guide behaviors, fear and desire. The first is more effective than the second, but I think it can generate long-term negative consequences. The desire seeks a situation not yet obtained. Something that is challenging and at the same time attainable. A goal worth the effort and sacrifices you may need. The attainable desire gives energy and motivation. Having a defined vision does not mean that people understand what they must do to achieve it.

Actions to achieve that goal are indispensable. . It is necessary to define a project to achieve a result, is it the only way to achieve it? I cannot assure you, but what the evidence shows is that the great results are the consequence of a disciplined execution of activities. The gap between the desired result and the actions to achieve it is what I have defined as "gray zone". This situation is evident in initiatives of each person and companies.

How to get out of the gray zone?

Companies need to change to meet their goals. The goals are achieved with well-defined projects and with the corresponding execution. If these actions are followed, the result will be X. The organization must present the goal and the actions, or as their representatives, the leaders must develop or seek who can help them develop a project to achieve that goal. The organization must not only tolerate, but also encourage a way of working where people perform daily tasks and devote part of their attention to new projects. This project should not conflict with daily actions, it should be a complement. The way to encourage such change is based on the way in which each individual is measured and rewarded.

An initiative without a project, a project without a leader, are the formula to continue repeating unfinished initiatives and tolerate the existence of the gray zone.

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